For Housing Applications or to Inquire About Waitlist Status, Contact the Applications Department at
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For Applicants


Public Housing

The Pawtucket Housing Authority has 5 Public Housing developments. 

Elderly Developments: Fogarty Manor & Burns Manor (must be 62+)

Disabled/Elderly Developments: Kennedy Manor & St. Germain Manor (must be disabled or 62+)

Family Development: Galego Court (single or family)

If you are interested in applying for our Public Housing waitlist, please download and complete the attached application Pre-Application (English)

Si está interesado en solicitar nuestra lista de espera de Vivienda Pública, descargue y complete la solicitud adjunta Pre-Solicitud (Espanol)

Section 8 (Housing Choice Voucher Program)

To apply for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), you must apply online at via the application portal at

Low Income Housing Tax Credit

If you are interested in applying for our LIHTC waitlist, please download and complete the attached application Pre-Application for 40-42 Park Street


If you would like an applicaton mailed or emailed to you, please send a request via email to or call 401-205-1731. You may also get an application at the PHA, 214 Roosevelt Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02860.

Completed applications may be returned via email, mail or in the drop box at 214 Roosevelt Avenue, Pawtucket, RI.

For a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Applications Department at 401-205-1731.


Waiting List:

Applicants will be placed on an Authority-wide wait list based on bedroom size, as well as date and time of application.

Screening & Verification:

When you are nearing the top of the list, the PHA will begin the screening process by calling the client to verify that the preferences selected by them are correct. Then, they begin by looking at household income to see if it falls within HUD’s income limits.  Limits, updated annually, are based on the area median income.

After reviewing documentation of family composition, income and assets, the PHA will look at landlord references, court records, & police records (3 year look back).

They may also request character references or conduct home visits.


When an appropriate unit becomes available, you will be notified.

For more information, contact the Applications Department at 401-205-1731 or email

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